A Learning Log Community

We keep your variable learning log!

For your
Adaptive Learning
PBL(Project Based Learning)

Learning logs are the key factor of your learning success.

Record Your Learning Logs

You can write anything in your learning. Verbalization is your first step of your success.

Share your Logs in this community.

This community has a chance to share your logs with your friends, personal or public coaches. You may get any hints to your achievement. You can control your logs open or private.

Professional Learning Coaching at your service

We have many professional learning coaches. Consult us for your next step.







An array of resources of our other services.

Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from home learners to school students and adults learners.

PM Gijuku Online

  • Collaborate with independent learners, professional online coaches.
  • Experience on Project Based Learning
  • Developing project management methods.

01 Learning Coach

  • Trained professional learning coach support.
  • Training your self as a professional learning coach.
  • Collaboration with big company supports.

“0 to One”

Tomio Yanagisawa

CEO, Round Table Com, Inc.

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